
2012年時,第一張彩色玉米照在臉書上出現時,掀起一陣購買「寶石玉米」(Glass Gen Corn) 的旋風。但看過吃過甚至種過這些玉米之外,你知道寶石玉米背後的故事嗎? Greg Schoen   剛開始,一名奧克拉荷馬州農夫Carl Barnes,身為半個查拉幾族土人,因為想要拉近自己與原

May 17, 2015

2012年時,第一張彩色玉米照在臉書上出現時,掀起一陣購買「寶石玉米」(Glass Gen Corn) 的旋風。但看過吃過甚至種過這些玉米之外,你知道寶石玉米背後的故事嗎?

The story of Glass Gem corn begins with an Oklahoma farmer named Carl Barnes. Barnes, now in his 80s, is half-Cherokee. He began growing older corn varieties in his adult years (no one is exactly sure when this began) as a way to reconnect with his heritage.
Greg Schoen
剛開始,一名奧克拉荷馬州農夫Carl Barnes,身為半個查拉幾族土人,因為想要拉近自己與原住民血統的歸屬感就開始種植古老的玉米種子,各式各樣的都種呢!



Greg Schoen



At the same time, Barnes began selecting, saving, and replanting seeds from particularly colorful cobs.
Greg Schoen



Over time, this resulted in rainbow-colored corn.
Greg Schoen


1994年,同為農夫的Greg Schoen在一場原始植物博覽會上遇到Carl。當時,Carl在博覽會上展示了自己的彩虹玉米,Greg一看到馬上就深受吸引,非常震驚!

A fellow farmer, Greg Schoen, met Barnes in 1994 at a native-plant gathering in Oklahoma. Barnes had his rainbow-colored corn on display. Schoen was blown away.
Greg Schoen



That following year, Barnes gave Schoen some of the rainbow seed. Schoen planted the first seeds that summer.
Greg Schoen



Schoen and Barnes remained close friends, and over the years, Schoen received more samples of the rainbow seed.
Greg Schoen



In the beginning, Schoen only grew small amounts of the colorful corn in New Mexico, where he moved in 1999.
Greg Schoen



In 2005, Schoen began growing larger plots of the rainbow corn near Sante Fe, alongside more traditional varieties.
Greg Schoen



When the rainbow corn mixed with the traditional varieties it created new strains. Each year of successive planting, the corn displayed more vibrant colors and vivid patterns.
Greg Schoen



According to an account from Schoen, Barnes told him that the rainbow seed originally came from a crossing of "Pawnee miniature popcorns with an Osage red flour corn and also another Osage corn called ‘Greyhorse.’"
Greg Schoen



Schoen took to naming the various colors and patterns that emerged — "circus colors," "true rainbow," "deep blue," and so on.
Greg Schoen



"Glass Gems," seen here, was the title that Schoen came up with for a blue-green and pink-purple corn he grew in 2007. This is the original picture that went viral in 2012, turning the unique-colored corn into an Internet sensation.
Greg Schoen


到了2009年,Greg又把許多彩虹玉米種子拿給擁有種子公司的Bill McDorman。

In 2009, Schoen passed on several varieties of the rainbow seed to Bill McDorman, who owned an Arizona seed company called Seed Trust.
Greg Schoen


Bill就成了非營利種子保育組織Native Seeds/SEARCH的主導人。他把寶石玉米種子帶到組織後,現在大家都可以在網路上購買呢!

McDorman is now the Executive Director of Native Seeds/SEARCH, a non-profit conservation organization. He brought the Glass Gem seeds with him, and they can now be purchased online.
Greg Schoen


Schoen, who is not affiliated with the company, is still living in New Mexico and working on the corn, according to Stephen Thomas, development assistant at Native Seeds/SEARCH.
Greg Schoen


在官網上,一包種子可以7.95美元 (約新台幣241.8元),背部也有種植指示可以遵照。

On the Native Seeds/SEARCH website, one packet of seeds can be purchased for $7.95. Directions are provided on the back of the packet.
Native Seeds/SEARCH



Corn doesn't like frost, but will grow anywhere the weather is warm and there is full sun. Seeds are generally planted after the last frost date in late spring.
Greg Schoen


種子要種2-3公分深,每個種子以15公分的間距種上至少3排 (別全部種於同一排) ,這樣才容易授粉,越種越成功。

Seeds are planted 1 inch deep and around 6 inches apart in blocks of at least three rows (rather than a single long row) for good pollination.
Greg Schoen



Each packet has approximately 50 seeds. Around two to three ears per stalk grow on each stalk, so growers can expect around 100 to 150 ears of corn per packet of seed, according to Thomas.
Greg Schoen



So what does it taste like?
Greg Schoen



Unlike sweet corn, Glass Gem corn isn't generally eaten off the cob.
Greg Schoen



Glass Gem is known as flint corn. The name "flint" comes from the kernel's hard outer-layer.
Greg Schoen



Most people grind it up into cornmeal and use it in tortillas or grits because it's very starchy.
Greg Schoen



1396035_696889863669674_1464022282_nGlass Gem Facebook Page



And for obvious reasons, Glass Gem corn is great for ornamental purposes.
Greg Schoen


For the most part, gardeners will be completely surprised by the colors of their corn.
Greg Schoen



However, people can try to grow certain colors by saving seeds from corns that exhibit the desired features and replanting those.
Greg Schoen


For example, if you wanted mostly lavender-kerneled corn, it would be possible to save and replant seed from purple corns.
Greg Schoen


The Glass Gem Facebook page is filled with photos from people who have planted and harvested their own Glass Gem corn.
Greg Schoen


除了臉書Glass Gem Facebook Page上,貼滿了寶石玉米的照片,還有人在網路上直接種給你看呢!




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