
泰勒絲 (Taylor Swift) 外貌姣好、身材高挑、歌藝驚人。身為國民小天后的她還在紐約擁有一棟台幣 6.3億 (1995萬美金) 的豪宅!   通常明星的豪宅就只有同圈子的好友才進得去,但現在有人在網路上上傳了這位 25 歲女孩的豪宅內部照,讓我們得以一窺美國國民小天后平日所

August 3, 2015

泰勒絲 (Taylor Swift) 外貌姣好、身材高挑、歌藝驚人。身為國民小天后的她還在紐約擁有一棟台幣 6.3億 (1995萬美金) 的豪宅!

This large living room and fireplace area equipped with several couches and a seating space is ideal for all Swift's star-studded parties


通常明星的豪宅就只有同圈子的好友才進得去,但現在有人在網路上上傳了這位 25 歲女孩的豪宅內部照,讓我們得以一窺美國國民小天后平日所過的生活。

Welcome feel: Taylor's penthouse maintains a cosy feel  thanks to stunning wood floors and exposed natural wood beamed ceilings


這間位於紐約曼哈頓的豪宅原本是屬於《魔戒》(Lord of the Rings) 導演彼得·傑克森 (Peter Jackson) 的,泰勒絲在 2014 年 3 月將它買了下來。

The singer-songwriter keeps a piano at her apartment, which is six storeys up and guarded by a former NYPD officer



The 25-year-old purchased the Tribeca penthouse in March last year off Lord Of The Rings director, Peter Jackson


由照片可知,泰勒絲擁有許多寬廣的空間可供朋友來家裡玩,包括生活區、用餐區、7 間臥室和 5.5 間浴室。

Twice as nice: While Manhattan may be known for its micro apartments, Taylor's home is made up of two penthouse apartments combined


這棟 6 層樓的豪宅看起來讓人覺得莫名地舒適,是因為裡面採用令人驚豔的木地板以及天然橫梁木天花板的關係。而泰勒絲也盡力以鄉村風家具、裝飾品等填滿這棟豪宅。

Cooking up a storm: Best of all, for the Blank Space singer - who likes cupcakes more than clubs - the home has a huge kitchen



Through the keyhole: The new pictures reveal inside Taylor Swift's stunning New York loft, including the huge sitting area


泰勒絲以熱愛舉辦女孩聚會聞名,特別是和她喜愛的模特兒好友卡莉·克勞斯 (Karlie Kloss)、瑪莎‧亨特 (Martha Hunt) 和吉吉·哈蒂德 (Gigi Hadid)。

Instagram snap: Taylor shared this photo in January of her enjoying a night at the apartment with her friends Ashley Avignone, Karlie Kloss, Martha Hunt and Gigi Hadid



Game on: Taylor has installed a pool table, and she loves to shoot a few balls with her female friends


莉莉‧奧爾德里奇 (Lily Aldridge) 曾在 2014 年 4 月 在泰勒絲家中的撞球間,教授泰勒絲打撞球的秘訣。

Lily Aldridge gave Swift some tips on how to play when she visited the singer's home in April last year (pictured)


泰勒絲和卡莉與瑪莎在 Instagram 上上傳三人享用親自下廚的晚餐照。

Taylor with Karlie Kloss and Martha Hunt in an Instagram post showing the friends cooking their own dinner and eating it


泰勒絲的貓梅雷迪絲 (Meredith) 曾在 Instagram 上露面,或許他未來得和泰勒絲的DJ男友凱文·哈里斯 (Calvin Harris) 在豪宅裡好好相處。

In this Instagram photo of one of Taylor's cats, the star wrote 'Meredith is so utterly BORED by my Christmas cheer'!


這張照片是 2014 年 12 月時所拍,泰勒絲與好友們一起慶祝自己的生日,包括美國歌手/演員賽琳娜·戈梅茲 (Selena Gomez) 也在其中。

In this photo, Taylor Swift's friends, including Selena Gomez, celebrate her 25th birthday last December with a  cake at her New York pad


2014 年時,泰勒絲曾在自家豪宅中接受《滾石》(Rolling Stone) 雜誌的採訪,這次的採訪還有一名前紐約市警員擔任守衛。

Getting into the Christmas spirit: Taylor shows off her festive tree in the New York loft apartment, in the run-up to last year's festivities


當時她帶著採訪人員參觀自家住宅,介紹了一個充滿復古棒球的魚缸、巨大的薰香蠟燭、豪華的鋼琴,以及充滿寵物貓梅雷迪絲和奧莉維亞 (Olivia) 的貓毛的撞球桌。

Feline friend: Meredith features in another Instagram photo by Swift, this time getting cozy with a quilt on a settee


這間則是泰勒絲在韋斯特利 (Westerly) 羅德島州 (Rhode Island) 買的海景房,2013 年以台幣 5 億 3855 萬 (1700萬美金) 買下。

Luxurious: Taylor Swift's beachfront home in Westerly, Rhode Island, which she bought for an estimated $17million two years ago


這棟則是泰勒絲在 2011 年時花了台幣 1 億 2672 萬 (400萬美金) 買下的比佛利山 (Beverly Hills) 四寢室房。

California base: The four-bedroom house in Beverly Hills that Swift snapped up for a cool $4million in 2011


 泰勒絲被認為擁有 5 間房子,底下這間位於納許維爾 (Nashville),是她買來孝敬父母的,因他們全家在泰勒絲 14 歲時搬到當地,才奠定下得以演唱鄉村歌謠的基礎。

It is thought Taylor bought this house in Nashville, Tennessee, for her parents after they took her to the city to launch her career




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加入粉絲團! 小天后泰勒斯砸6億買下豪宅,看到她跟名模朋友在裡頭的私生活會讓你羨慕到腦充血!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友