因為武漢肺炎疫情的關係,今天 (17日) 台灣又新增了10個境外移入個案,面對嚴峻的疫情,國內外有許多公共場所都宣布停止開放,許多博物館、餐廳、酒吧、健身房等容易引發群聚感染的公共場所都被迫停業。位於美國芝加哥的Shedd水族館也因為疫情的關係暫停開放到月底,不過他們也趁著這段時間做了一件從來沒有做過的事情……
他們把被譽為「鎮館之寶」的企鵝們從展區放了出來,讓他們趁完全沒有遊客的時候,盡情逛逛自家 (水族館)!
Penguins in the Amazon?! 🐧🌴
Some of the penguins went on a field trip to meet other animals at Shedd. Wellington seemed most interested in the fishes in Amazon Rising! The black-barred silver dollars also seemed interested in their unusual visitor. pic.twitter.com/KgYWsp5VQD
— Shedd Aquarium (@shedd_aquarium) March 15, 2020
這隻可愛的企鵝寶寶叫做威靈頓 (Wellington) 。
另外兩隻南跳岩企鵝 「愛德華」和「安妮」也被放風出來,可以看到他們踩著短短的雙腿在水族館裡面逛著,就像是兩小無猜的情侶一樣約會。
The adventure continues! 🐧🐧
This morning, Edward and Annie explored Shedd’s rotunda. They are a bonded pair of rockhopper penguins, which means they are together for nesting season. Springtime is nesting season for penguins at Shedd, and this year is no different! (1/3) 👇 pic.twitter.com/VdxN3oQAfe— Shedd Aquarium (@shedd_aquarium) March 16, 2020
While this may be a strange time for us, these days feel normal for animals at Shedd. Our caregivers are constantly providing new experiences for the animals to explore and express their natural behaviors with. Let us know what penguin activities you would like to see! (3/3) pic.twitter.com/ftlow7iPHl
— Shedd Aquarium (@shedd_aquarium) March 16, 2020