1. 凡人:「在醫院隔離的第10天,極度病懨懨。這裡沒有任何檢測用具。」
10th day extremely sick in hospital isolation . No test kits here . We are just treating my symptoms as they show up CPAP helps me a lot pic.twitter.com/h0tZICUqmK
— Sean Turner (@allareblessed) March 16, 2020
2. 名人:「我身體不適而已,但他們不想我冒任何風險。」-NBA球星Charles Barkley
Charles Barkley speaks on his self-quarantine as he awaits the results of his coronavirus test:
“I haven’t been feeling great and they didn’t want me to take any chances”pic.twitter.com/p40Db9Xgqz
— The Crossover (@TheCrossover) March 13, 2020
3. 凡人:「我的16歲女兒上週五開始發高燒,燒到至少38-40度以上,所有的流感症狀都明顯指向武肺病毒但我打了好幾通NHS111(蘇格蘭醫療熱線)他們都不給驗」
My 16 year old daughter temperature since Friday , raging from 40-38 being the lowest , all flu symptoms & symptoms of vivid-19 yet after many calls to NHS111 they still refuse to test – well until we can’t manage her at home , deaths door !!
— Samantha
(@HaywardSammi) March 16, 2020
4. 名人:「我們覺得累累的,像感冒一樣,身體某些部位出現痠痛。瑞塔(湯姆漢克斯妻子)身體偶爾發涼,也有一點點發燒。我們必須做出正確的選擇,那就是宣布我們確診武肺病毒了,檢測反應是陽性沒錯。」-湯姆漢克斯(Tom Hanks)
5. 凡人:「我在醫院病床上,可能感染了武肺病毒,但我還是無法接受檢測,雖然所有醫護人員和醫生們都認為我該做檢測。」
I’m sitting in a hospital bed possibly with #COVID19 and I can’t get tested even though the entire nursing and doctor staff thinks I should. It’s not the hospitals.@jaketapper @RepSteveStivers @senrobportman @SenSherrodBrown pic.twitter.com/5KtXoLWgjU
— Rob Michaels (@robmichaelsII) March 17, 2020
6. 名人:「今早我測出武肺病毒陽性反應。我現在覺得還ok,目前沒有症狀但自從我發現自己可能接觸過病毒後就自我隔離了。大家請理性待在家。我會持續為大家更新我的近況,別怕。」-伊卓司艾巴(Idris Elba)
This morning I tested positive for Covid 19. I feel ok, I have no symptoms so far but have been isolated since I found out about my possible exposure to the virus. Stay home people and be pragmatic. I will keep you updated on how I’m doing
No panic. pic.twitter.com/Lg7HVMZglZ
— Idris Elba (@idriselba) March 16, 2020
7. 凡人:「美國到底在發什麼神經啊我快笑屎,我住在法國的叔叔的室友測出了陽性反應,他們卻因為我叔叔沒症狀就不測他,美國三小啦?????」
What in the world is wrong with America LMFAO my uncle who was in FRANCE had a roommate test positive for COVID19 and they won’t test him because he has no symptoms WHAT IS AMERICA ?????????????? pic.twitter.com/MkLECIFUXg
— Jaaz (@jaaznotjasmine) March 13, 2020
8. NBA猶他爵士隊的每位選手都已接受檢測。
How the NBA’s Utah Jazz were able to get 58 coronavirus tests https://t.co/xDoSIizpbo via @USATODAY
— Dan Wolken (@DanWolken) March 14, 2020
9. 凡人:「我媽(在紐約)感冒了,他是70歲的執業護士…她對衛健無所不知卻遭拒檢測。」
My mom (in nyc) has a cold — she’s a nurse practitioner in her 70s…. and she is plugged into the health system and can’t get tested.
Are these tests actually happening??? Has anyone following me been tested or had a loved one tested? What day were you tested/where?
— jason@calacanis.com (@Jason) March 15, 2020
10. 名人:「跟你們很多人一樣,我不舒服了一整個禮拜,很不幸的是,我剛結束巡迴回國的老公也在不舒服。為了確保安全,我們要暫時分居到檢測結果出爐(並確保能夠回到彼此身邊)。」-德國名模海蒂克隆

11. 凡人:「我有工作得做時,隔離一點都不好玩。我現在準備上床了,一整天都睡睡醒醒。體溫仍維持在38度以上,胸口非常痠痛,有咳一點。不曉得是流感、胸口感染還是病毒,總之我無法接受檢測。」
Being in isolation is no fun when I want to be in work. I’m ready for bed and been sleeping on and off all day. Temperature still over 38 degrees, chest really sore and coughing a little. No idea if it’s the flu, a chest infection or the virus, and can’t get tested
— Angie
(@AngieLock50) March 16, 2020
12. 名人:席琳狄翁(Céline Dion)因為感冒而取消了下一場巡演,受測結果顯示沒有染上武肺病毒。

13. 凡人:「我2位同事有搭鑽石公主號但我還是無法受測。已經病了超過一個禮拜,各種症狀都出現了。那些沒有症狀的明星和運動選手每天都受測。錢越多=更好的健保。這樣不對啊。」
A coworker was on the Grand Princess. 2 visits to Kaiser and I still can’t get tested for COVID. Been sick for over a week with ALL the symptoms. Celebs & athletes with no symptoms are getting tested daily. More money=better health care. Not right. @GavinNewsom @SpeakerPelosi pic.twitter.com/j0nLWfdDq6
— Joey Childress (@JoeyChildress7) March 17, 2020
14. 名人:「我沒發燒所以我很確信自己沒問題,但醫生與急診室認為安全起見我還是該測,因為X光片顯示我的肺出現白點。」-美國電視節目主持人Ali Fedotowsky

15. 凡人:「亞特蘭大的警方告訴我,她的分局有超過六人出現了武肺症狀但他們全都無法接受檢測。」
Atlanta’s Top Cop tells me, she has more than half a dozen officers out sick with #COVID19 type symptoms, but they can’t get tested. The story at 5 @wsbtv pic.twitter.com/Bz2DTMLME5
— Dave Huddleston (@DaveHWSB) March 16, 2020
16. 名人:「很遺憾地告訴大家,今天我測武肺病毒出現陽性反應。我跟家人正實施自我隔離中,看需要多久就隔離多久。我們都還很健康,我只有一點點感冒症狀。」-《權力遊戲》演員Kristofer Hivju
17. 凡人:「我一個去了史努比狗狗在市中心開的演唱會的朋友,過去4天都在掃URI而且發高燒。他的流感和鏈球菌測試都顯示陰性,他懷疑自己染上了武肺病毒但他無法受測。有去那場演唱會的人,請自我隔離吧。」
Hi Baton Rouge, a friend who went to the Snoop Dogg concert downtown has spent the last 4 days with a URI and high grade fever. His flu and strep tests were both negative. He suspects he may have COVID but can’t get tested. Please isolate yourself if you were at that concert.
— AN+HONY BASCO (@Basceaux) March 14, 2020
18. 名人:消息人士告訴媒體,電視節目主持人Kris Jenner「根本沒生病也沒任何症狀,但她有接觸陽性反應受測者的歷史,所以她接受了檢測。」
Exclusive: Kris Jenner was recently tested for COVID-19 after coming in contact with someone with the virus. https://t.co/If16IQCVLK
— Entertainment Tonight (@etnow) March 16, 2020