先前介紹過的最帥和尚「亞洲水行俠」緬甸男模塔空 (Paing Takhon),日前驚傳因支持反政府抗爭活動而遭軍政府逮捕,光是被捕藝人據報就多達120人,包含三次獲得緬甸學院獎的女星飛飛 (暫譯,Phway Phway)。

24歲的塔空除了模特兒事業發光發熱,2019年還受《緬甸時報》選為緬甸十大演員,更受邀擔任東協大使 (ASEAN Econimic Community Ambassador) 和對泰旅遊大使 (Myanmars Tourism Ambassador to Thailand)。


據法新社轉述當地媒體,塔空今 (8日) 凌晨在位於仰光的家中被押走。

Paing Takhon was detained by Myanmar Military this morning around at 5am due to anti-cop activities. He is in bad health condition so he couldn’t manage to change to safe place. Release Paing Takhon immediately
Hope he’ll safe#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Apr8Coup pic.twitter.com/YJskeeg4UZ
— Thiri Myo(설레
) (@ThiriMyo6) April 8, 2021

Paing Takhon, our hero who initially spoke out for Myanmar since the coup began, was detained by the coup at 5 a.m. today. Currently, he’s seriously sick and no way to recover if he’s jailed and tortured by the coup. Please speak out for him
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar#Apr8Coup pic.twitter.com/qhfSLIVDEq
— Hnin Shwe Yin (@HninShweYin3) April 8, 2021

BREAKING: Renowned model and actor #PaingTakhon, currently JUNTA’s arrest warrant with penalty code 505(A) was abducted at 5AM local time when he came back to his home in North Dagon. His manager told on social media that he was in poor health condition.#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/EivozjvlMw
— Khon Cho Hset (@KhonHset) April 8, 2021
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