
1. 意外在前院裡發現埋在土裡的法拉利!不知道還能不能開~ Michael Haering   2. 這隻可愛的烏龜可是在邊吃著蒲公英、邊和家中寵物狗打架時被發現的~ reddit 廣告1   3. 一對夫婦發現了8個裝滿黃金硬幣的桶子,這些硬幣來自1890年代的加州瑟亞內華達 (Sierra Nevada)

September 12, 2015

1. 意外在前院裡發現埋在土裡的法拉利!不知道還能不能開~

Someone just got a new ride! A family found a Ferrari buried in their front yard.

Michael Haering


2. 這隻可愛的烏龜可是在邊吃著蒲公英、邊和家中寵物狗打架時被發現的~



3. 一對夫婦發現了8個裝滿黃金硬幣的桶子,這些硬幣來自1890年代的加州瑟亞內華達 (Sierra Nevada),總價值高達一千萬美金 (台幣3億2490萬)。

A couple found eight cans filled with gold coins from the 1890s on their property in Sierra Nevada, California. The total worth was $10 million dollars.


4. 威斯康辛州 (Wisconsin) 的這家人則是在後院發現一個防空洞。

A bomb shelter was found in a family’s backyard in Wisconsin.


5. 二次世界大戰的鈕扣。

A WWII button.


6. 最早的七喜易開罐原來長這樣!


7. 一名在洛杉磯 (Los Angeles) 的男子在他放在後院中的浴缸裡,發現價值17萬5千美金 (台幣569萬) 的大麻。

A man in Los Angeles found $175,000 worth of marijuana hidden under his hot tub in the backyard.

Mack Reed


8. 你也可能找到一隻等待你抱抱他的無辜小貓…


9. 連刻有象形文字的板子都找得到!


10. 還有人在庭院草地上發現睡午覺的超萌狐狸。


11. 在奧地利維也納新城 (Wiener Neustadt),一名男子發現擁有650年歷史的寶物,裡面包含了200個珍珠、金屬板、戒指、飾品和珊瑚化石。

In Wiener Neustadt, Austria, a man found a 650-year-old treasure. Among the find were 200 pearls, plates, rings, ornaments, and fossilized coral.


12. 一名女子在整理院子時,發現了巨齒鯊的牙齒!根據維基百科,牙齒的主人曾經是大海中體型最大的鯊魚,生活在1590萬至260萬年前,是貨真價實的史前化石阿!

While cleaning her yard, a woman found a megalodon tooth. The tooth belongs to the largest shark to have ever swam our oceans. The largest predator lived from around 28 to 1.6 million years ago.


13. 貓咪的墓碑:以此紀念傑克,出生時是隻貓,死時是個紳士。

The plaque of a beloved cat.


14. 瓶子裡的小世界~

A tiny world in a bottle.


15. 在佛羅里達州 (Florida) 的沼澤藏著這台廢棄已久的吉普車。

A property in the swamp of Florida hid this abandoned Jeep.


16. 這名男子在菜園裡收花椰菜時,竟在一個尼龍袋裡發現15萬美金 (台幣488萬元)!不過這些錢是他鄰居的…也是幸好有被拾金不昧的好鄰居檢到~

This man was picking broccoli from his garden when he found $150,000 in a nylon bag. The money belonged to his neighbors.


17. 住在建於18世紀房子裡的男子,發現了這塊約為6公分的金板。

A man who lives in a house built in the 1700s found this plate.


18. 一名英國男子在自家建籬笆時,發現了一塊上龍的骨頭。重點是…這個來自2.5億年前的化石的原生地並非英國!

A man in the United Kingdom found a pliosaur bone while building a fence in his home. The 250 million fossil is not native to England.


19. 在房子裡住了十年的屋主,發現了這張幸福笑臉。

It took 10 years living in the house for the owner to find this happy face.


20. 蓋瑞 (Gary Johnson) 在他位於加州的家發現鬚鯨科鯨魚化石,鬚鯨科也是生活在1400-1600萬年前的史前生物~

Gary Johnson found a rare fossilized baleen whale in his Rancho Palos Verdes, California home. The whale lived approximately 14 to 16 million years ago.


21. 一名小女孩在後院發現了這塊貝類化石,並在聖誕節時將它當作聖誕禮物送給親愛的媽媽。

A little girl found a fossilized rock in her backyard. Appropriately, she gave it to her mom for Christmas.


22. 一名住在捷克的男子想在院子裡挖樹樁,卻挖到讓他嚇去半條命的東西:來自二次世界大戰的數十枚手榴彈和彈藥!

A man wanting to dig tree stumps got the scare of his life in the Czech Republic. Dozens of hand grenades and explosives from WWII were hidden in his yard.


23. 天啊!有人在自家院子發現這隻散步的超可愛刺蝟~

Someone found this adorable hedgehog wondering around in their yard.


24. 加拿大的一名男子在塑膠袋裡發現裝有子彈的機關槍!沒有人知道這個謎樣塑膠袋的來歷…

A man in Calgary, Canada found a plastic bag containing a loaded machine gun. No one knows how it got there.


25. 超可愛的小兔子入侵人類家裡,準備萌死人不償命啦~

Cute and fluffy bunnies showed up at someone's house.

26. 一朵混色的美麗花朵兒!

A mixed color flower.


27. 一名男子在紐奧良建泳池時,發現了一塊墓地!裡面的13具棺材可追溯自18世紀~

A man in New Orleans, Louisian, building a swimming pool in his property, discovered a cemetery. 13 caskets dating back to the 1700s were unearthed.


28. 孤兒浣熊寶寶也有…

An orphaned baby raccoon.


29. 中國李姓男子以為在自家草坪中有一條巨蛇,結果其實是一樣驚悚的巨無霸蚯蚓…

Li Zhiwei in China thought he had a snake on his lawn, turned out to be a giant earthworm.


30. 這個長在庭院裡的香菇雖然可愛,但其實有毒喔。

This cute mushroom was found growing on the lawn. The fungi is poisonous.


31. 看到這位加州男子燦爛的笑容,就知道他一定是在院子裡挖到寶了!沒錯~他在院子裡找到罕見的3.7公斤重金塊!這塊黃金以46萬美金 (台幣1494萬) 賣出,地質學家認為在他家後院一定還有更多黃金…請問我能去你家借住一天嗎?

This man will have a lot of yard work to do. He found a rare 8.2-pound gold nugget in his California yard. The piece sold for $460,000. Geologists are confident there is more gold on the property.


32. 加拿大一對姊妹發現隕石的一部份…等等!經檢測,這只是塊在美國販售的裝飾玻璃…

Two sisters in Canada thought they had found a part of a meteorite. After testing, it turned out that the mystery rock is an ornamental glass sold in the USA.



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加入粉絲團! 32種在自家後院發現的超傻眼寶物。竟然還有機會挖到上億百年黃金?!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友