
1. 3個點   這是許多坐過牢的人常見的刺青,代表的正是「mi vida loca我的瘋狂生活」之意!這並不是只有某一個幫派才有這樣的印記,而是一種表達幫派生活形態的象徵。會看到這樣的刺青,大多都是在手上或是眼睛周圍。同時,有時候這也會帶有宗教意味,像是代表基督教的

October 17, 2015

1. 3個點

Three dots

The three dots tattoo is a common prison tattoo that represents “mi vida loca,” or “my crazy life.” It’s not associated with any particular gang, but with the gang lifestyle itself. This tattoo is typically found on the hands or around the eyes. It can also carry some religious significance, such as representing Christianity’s holy trinity. The three dot tattoo is often created using a stick-and-poke method, requiring very rudimentary tools.
這是許多坐過牢的人常見的刺青,代表的正是「mi vida loca我的瘋狂生活」之意!這並不是只有某一個幫派才有這樣的印記,而是一種表達幫派生活形態的象徵。會看到這樣的刺青,大多都是在手上或是眼睛周圍。同時,有時候這也會帶有宗教意味,像是代表基督教的三位一體概念!


2. 5個點

Five dots

These dots differ greatly from the previous tattoo – five dots represents time done in prison. Also known as the quincunx, the four dots on the outside represent four walls, with the fifth on the inside representing the prisoner. This tattoo can be found internationally, among both American and European inmates. The dots are typically found on an inmate’s hand, between the thumb and forefinger.


3. 皇冠上方有5顆鑽

A Crown with 5 Points 

The crown is a symbol of the Latin Kings, which is one of the largest gangs in the US.


4. 數字1488


This number can be found on white supremacist/Nazi inmates. The numbers 14 or 88 on their own can also be used, which sometimes creates confusion. Fourteen represents fourteen words, which are a quote by Nazi leader David Lane: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.” The 88 is shorthand for the 8th letter of the alphabet twice, HH, which represents Heil Hitler. Typically, these tattoos can be found anywhere on the body.
這是信守「白人至上主義/納粹」理念的囚犯會有的刺青。1488以雙位數拆開當作14與88來看時,14的意義是納粹領袖David Lane曾講過的一句14字名言。88則是26字母當中第8個字母H重複兩次之意,也就是88=HH=Heil Hitler=希特勒萬歲。


5. 蜘蛛網

Cobweb Tattoos

While these tattoos are mainstream (ish), they are still prison tattoos. They represent a lengthy prison sentence. The spider trapping prey is supposed to symbolize prisoners being trapped behind bars.


6. 雅利安兄弟會 Aryan Brotherhood

Aryan Brotherhood

This prison gang has a variety of tattoos to look out for, ranging from ‘AB’ to Nazi symbols like a swastika or SS bolts. The Brotherhood makes up 1 percent of the inmate population, but are responsible for 20 percent of murders inside of U.S. prisons, so identifying these tattoos are extremely beneficial.


7. MS13

MS 13

The MS 13, also sometimes seen just as MS or 13, is a symbol of the Mara Salvatrucha gang from El Salvador. Typically these tattoos can be found anywhere on the body, but are most often found in highly visible places like the face, hands or neck.
有時MS跟13不同時出現也是一樣意思,這是薩爾瓦多的Mara Salvatrucha幫派的代表刺青。這個刺青基本上全身上下都可以刺,但是多半都刺在明顯之處,像是臉、手或脖子上刺的都很常見。


8. A.C.A.B.


This acronym is commonly found on the bodies of British prisoners and stands for “All Cops Are Bastards.” Some claim that A.C.A.B. also stands for “Always Carry A Bible,” but these are widely believed to be people who regret their tattoo decision. Often found on the knuckles, the tattoo symbolizes a willingness to go to prison for your crew or gang.
這多是英國囚犯代表「警察全都是混X (All Cops Are Bastards)」4英文字的縮寫!有些人還說這也有可能是「永遠帶著一本聖經 (Always Carry A Bible)」4個字!多半刺在指節的這個刺青,象徵的是願意為了幫派去坐牢的義氣!


9. Norteño


Norteño tattoos represent the Nuestra Familia gang, which is associated with Hispanic gangs in Northern California. Their tattoos include the word Norteño, Nuestra Familia, a sombrero symbol, the letter N or the number 14, symbolizing the 14th letter of the alphabet (yup – the letter N).
Norteño是加州西裔紐艾斯托家族監獄幫派集團的刺青。通常看到「Norteño」、「Nuestra Familia」或是一個墨西哥帽、「N」字母、數字「14」(代表26字母中的第14個字母) 都是他們幫派的成員!


10. 胸前大十字

Cross on the chest

Particularly found in Russian prisons, chest tattoos symbolize a ‘Prince of Thieves.’ This is the highest rank a Russian convict can achieve, and are generally worn by higher-ups in the mob. Russian prisons have a unique and intricate history of prison tattoos, each with their own unique meaning. Another example are bells, symbolizing freedom, or a tiger on the chest is symbolic of aggression toward the police.


11. La Eme

La Eme

‘La Eme,’ or The M, is the symbol of the Mexican Mafia. They are one of the largest and most ruthless prison gangs in the U.S. They’re allied with the Aryan Brotherhood, and have a common enemy in the Nuestra Familia.
「La Eme」或是「M」字母是墨西哥黑手黨的象徵符號。墨西哥黑手黨可是美國目前最大最殘暴的監獄幫派。他們的同盟幫派是#6雅利安兄弟會,共同對抗的則是#9紐艾斯托家族監獄幫派。


12. 淚滴


In certain places the teardrop represents a long prison sentence, in others it represents that the inmate is a murderer.


13. EWMN


These letters stand for ‘Evil, Wicked, Mean, Nasty.’ Having no particular affiliation with any gang, they simply represent the general disposition of some prison inmates. Typically found on the knuckles, these types of tattoos were popularized in 1955 by Robert Mitchum in ‘The Night of the Hunter.’ His sociopathic preacher character had the words ‘love’ and ‘hate’ tattooed on the knuckles of each hand, which has brought about other variants such as ‘Rock/Roll’ and ‘Stay/Down.’
這是「邪惡、刻毒、狠心、惡劣 (Evil,Wicked,Mean,Nasty)」4字的縮寫。這跟幫派是沒有關係的,而是一般囚犯的大略個性、形式傾向皆是如此!而刺青多會在指節上出現!


14. 撲克牌

Playing cards

Playing cards, or suits of the deck in general, usually indicate an inmate who likes to gamble. This applies to gambling games both within prison and without; it can also represent a person who generally views life as a gamble. This tattoo is very popular in Russian prisons, where each deck has its own meaning. A spade represents a thief; clubs symbolize criminals in general. Diamonds are reserved for stoolpigeons and informants – if the cards have this deck, then it was likely applied with force. Hearts imply that someone is looking for a romantic partner in the prison, which may also be forcibly applied.
撲克牌 (尤其多以牌組形式出現) ,通常是愛賭博的囚犯才有的。其實,不管在監獄裡或監獄外只要愛賭或視人生為一場賭局的人都會刺。在俄羅斯,不同花色各有其意義。黑桃是小偷,梅花是罪犯統稱、方塊則是告密者專用花色 (通常為強行刺上去的) 、紅心則是在獄中找尋伴侶的人 (也有可能是被強行刺上去的) !


15. 沒有指針的時鐘

The clock with no hands

This tattoo is, fairly obviously, representative of ‘doing time’ and doing a lot of it. Those serving a longer sentence might get this tattoo done on their wrist, with watch straps and all, much like a real watch. The clock face itself can come in a few forms, such as the face of a wall clock or a grandfather clock. Not all clock tattoos are tied to prison; generally just the ones lacking hands.



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加入粉絲團! 15個監獄裡常見的刺青圖樣和它們背後的意義。#14證明了無論如何千萬都別去當告密者!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友