超模Cara Delevingne剃大光頭讓粉絲嚇壞!轉過來超帥「男生都被打垮」!

24歲女星卡拉·迪樂芬妮 (Cara Delevingne) 為了拍攝新片《Life In A Year》、飾演電影中的垂死少女,她把頭髮剃光,新造型震驚了所有粉絲。   廣告1   超模出生的她,近年越來越投入電影拍攝。在這部新電影中,她將與傑登·史密斯 (Jaden Smith) 合作。為了能更好地發揮

April 25, 2017

24歲女星卡拉·迪樂芬妮 (Cara Delevingne) 為了拍攝新片《Life In A Year》、飾演電影中的垂死少女,她把頭髮剃光,新造型震驚了所有粉絲。

New woman: In order to fully get into her dying character for new film Life In A Year, Cara Delevingne has sacrificed her famously glossy locks  - and debuted her new, completely bald style on set on on Monday


Transformation: The 24-year-old gave fans a glimpse of her starkly different shaven head for the first time as she arrived on set in Toronto, ahead of another busy day shooting


超模出生的她,近年越來越投入電影拍攝。在這部新電影中,她將與傑登·史密斯 (Jaden Smith) 合作。為了能更好地發揮自己的角色,她為電影犧牲,以全新的剃頭造型呈現在大家面前。

Unrecognisable: Cara, who shot to supermodel status in 2011, looked starkly different from her usual glamorous self as she emerged on set with a head free of all hair


Emotional: Having concealed her short style in a cap last week, Cara now displayed her bald head in all its glory as she embarked on another undoubtedly tense scene for the film


Dare to bare: Portraying a dying teenager in the flick, the beauty looked worlds away from her famous model self as she stripped her entire head of hair - to fully immerse herself into her role



Heartbreaking: Clad in nothing but a thin yellow robe alongside her shaven head, the Suicide Squad star appeared to be dressed for a hospital scene - perhaps after her character's illness has worsened


Comfy: Keeping warm in the chilly Canada weather however, Cara layered a comfy green hoodie atop her costume and stepped out of her car in cosy black Ugg boots as she returned to set with her co-stars



Big step: Carrying a chunky quilted coat in her arms however, the Hammersmith native cut a somewhat tired and strained figure as she emerged from her car for her day - following her drastic transformation


Big step: Carrying a chunky quilted coat in her arms however, the Hammersmith native cut a somewhat tired and strained figure as she emerged from her car for her day - following her drastic transformation


Drastic: The supermodel shocked fans with her dramatically different style as she was seen heading home again after the shoot



Casual: Later on Cara was seen dressed in an over-sized black varsity jacket as she shot further scenes for the film - pulling the hood above her head to conceal her new style


Busy: The British star had been spotted concealing shorter locks under a peaked cap on Friday, as she headed out in Toronto to film the new flick 



Model looks! Cara ditched her long trademark icy blonde locks for a pink-tinged crop in preparation for a more drastic hair look 


Shattering plot line: The movie, penned by Jeffrey Addiss and Will Matthews, follows 17-year-old Daryn (Smith) who learns his girlfriend (Delevigne) is dying and sets out to give her their entire life together, in the year she has left



In it together: Jaden parallels Cara in his willingness to change his appearance for the prized part, and let his famous dad Will personally trim off his dreadlocks



Queen! The blonde beauty (pictured at unite4humanity gala in Los Angeles in April 2017) is known for her model looks and trademark icy  locks as she strutted her stuff on the catwalk


Battle: The starlet showed half the battle for taking on a new drama was looking the part as she showed she was going to slip into her character with ease


On screen: The 24-year-old (pictured in New York in March 2017) will soon be making an appearance in sci-fi thriller Valerian And The City Of A Thousand Planets




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