
1. 乐队主唱。   他有长长的头发,会唱情歌,但他也是世界上最无情的渣男之一,就如有梅毒的加工厂。   2. Tinder渣男。   「想坐在我的脸上吗?」一来就直接约炮,连普通的哈囉也懒得说。 廣告1   3. 炮友渣男。   「所以,我们现在是什么关系?」「嘘…别毁掉它

April 27, 2017

1. 乐队主唱。

Just because he has long hair and sings about love doesn't mean he's not one of the world's most relentless fuckboys. He’s like a groupie processing plant. Probably has syphilis.


2. Tinder渣男。

Just a string of repellent messages, and if you're really unlucky one extremely short, gropey date.


3. 炮友渣男。

“Let’s not put a label on it”, he says, kissing your stomach, and heading south. Translation: I’m living like a polyamorous medieval king with zero responsibility, and I like it that way.


4. 无耻渣男。

He's gorgeous, and he knows it. He ploughs through women like a combine harvester. For some messed-up reason there’s a little bit of your brain saying, You can change him. But of course you can’t. OF COURSE you can’t.


5. 感性作家。

A fuckboy in camouflage. He lends you his favourite book, he’s smart, he's thoughtful. He writes you a poem. Oh, and he’s sexting another girl the whole time.


6. 女权主义者。

He was brought up by his mum, and he has three sisters. He was genuinely upset when Hillary lost the election, and made a big thing about going on the women’s march. One small thing, though… He can’t keep his dick in his pants.


7. 双面人。

He tricked you with his nice guy demeanor.


8. 「狗狗吃了我的功课」谎言渣男。

'Sorry, babe, I was at my mum's,' 'I had to work last minute,' etc., etc. He's got 1,001 excuses for why he keeps letting you down, and unfortunately none of them are the truth: that he's a fuckboy of the highest order.



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