超模Cara Delevingne「直接把光頭塗成銀色」全場震驚,轉過來「近看」會讓你馬上瞎掉!

24歲超模卡拉·迪樂芬妮 (Cara Delevingne),為了出演新片《Life In A Year》中的患病少女,剃了一個大光頭!在禮拜一晚上,她出席Met Gala (大都會藝術博物館慈善晚宴) 時,竟然把光頭塗成銀色,讓加上了夢幻的閃亮裝飾,讓粉絲們再一次被震驚了,沒想到光頭也可以如此

May 3, 2017

24歲超模卡拉·迪樂芬妮 (Cara Delevingne),為了出演新片《Life In A Year》中的患病少女,剃了一個大光頭!在禮拜一晚上,她出席Met Gala (大都會藝術博物館慈善晚宴) 時,竟然把光頭塗成銀色,讓加上了夢幻的閃亮裝飾,讓粉絲們再一次被震驚了,沒想到光頭也可以如此時尚又好看!

Oh my! Cara made a typically dramatic statement as she swept the famous steps outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art at the heart on New York's 5th Avenue for the Met Gala


Sizzling: To complement the bold look, she sported a sensational plunging silver suit by Chanel which perfectly encapsulated Cara's high fashion fancy atop her trademark ability to make a bold style statement on the red carpet




Stunner: Cara has long been known for her edgy androgynous looks, with Monday being no exception as she dazzled in the glitzy two-piece which boasted a masculine shape but super girly glimmering adornments



Out and a pout: The blazer was perfectly styled to show off the British beauty's lithe frame as the huge shoulder pads staggered atop her unsupported chest and tiny waist, highlighted further with her thick silver belt


Fresh faced: With such a bold beauty look added through her silver head paint, she kept the rest of her beauty regimen simple with just a lick of mascara opening her almond-shaped eyes while her lips were lightly outlined in a baby pink colour



Sexy stuff: With an A-line bottom to the longline blazer, her trousers were tailored to extend the length of her staggering legs in a fluid slimline flare shape


Silver stunner: Her jewelled suit was typically bold 






Skinhead: Earlier in the day, just hours before the gala kicked off, she covered up her new look as she headed out in daring ensemble 


Monochrome madness: The model sported a beanie which coordinated with her monochrome racy ensemble - perfectly combining smart and casual


把美美的卡拉分享出去吧!接著看:超模Cara Delevingne剃大光頭讓粉絲嚇壞!轉過來超帥「男生都被打垮」!

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