在一個下雨的禮拜天早上,克里斯 (Chris Wright) 跟他的家人去教會時,看到一名孤獨的女子在路邊走著。克里斯內心有點不安,他把妻子帶往教會後,找回那名女子,並問她需不需要幫忙。
![Untitled design (15) %e5%b9%ab%e5%8a%a9%e9%99%8c%e7%94%9f%e4%ba%ba](https://teepr.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/598c3424112fc.jpg)
3年後,克里斯的母親朱迪 (Judy) 罹患帕金森氏症。他們一家人希望朱迪得到最好的照顧,於是請來一名看護照顧她。有天看護跟他的家人分享曾經有陌生人幫助她的故事後,克里斯發現原來那名看護就是赫克托!不過,母親後來還是過世了。在葬禮上,克里斯並沒有要求來賓送花,而是希望他們捐款給赫克托,讓她可以實現入讀護理師學校的夢想!一開始募款目標是1000美元 (約3萬新台幣),但在大家的熱心幫忙下,他們一共籌到了2.6萬美元 (約78萬新台幣)。讓我們來看看赫克托感動到爆哭的影片吧:
Helped by a stranger on a difficult day, she unknowingly retur…
After her car ran out of fuel, TunDe walked to the station, gas can in hand, with only $5 in her pocket. Sensing she needed help, a young man picked her up, paid for her gas and gave her all the money in his wallet. Three years later, TunDe was caring for Judy Wright as a nursing aid. During one of her shifts, she shared this story of kindness with Judy’s family. Stunned, Judy’s son Chris revealed that he was the man who helped her that day. The Wright family believed God had brought TunDe in their lives to care for their ailing mother. When Judy died, they decided to do something to help TunDe realize her dream of becoming a nurse.
Posted by Humankind on 2017年7月25日